After months of preparation and a number of image changes, today was the day when I travelled to Croydon to voluntarily put myself through a judging process of 10 of my mounted prints by a panel of 5 judges. The process took all day and it was touch and go but at the end of the day I was awarded a 'Credit from the Photographic Alliance of Great Britain' - a C.P.A.G.B. - I am very pleased.
The image above is my complete panel as displayed on the website of my photo club - the Richmond and Twickenham Photographic Society. The awards are based on achieving what is thought to be be 'good club photography' although the standard of photography varies considerably from club to club and what is ‘Good’ in one club may not be so successful in another. This is difficult to define and so on the day it is the Adjudicators who define what “Good Club Standard” is. Thank goodness they decided that I met the standard!